IBEC/CPE Testing
This prototype study guide is intended ONLY for electrologists enrolled in the BETA TESTING of the new IBEC exam.Price includes shipping. Please allow up to four weeks to receive your Study Guide order.No Refunds...
IBEC Study Guide
The International Board of Electrologist Certification Study Guide or IBEC Study Guide - is an invaluable resource in preparing for the IBEC state licensing exams and the Certified Professional Electrologist (CPE) exams.The Study Guide contains a wealth of information on the anatomy and physiology o..
IBEC Test Registration
Please read these directions completely BEFORE registering on the Prometric website.CPE candidates: If you are an AEA member please select (CPEM). If you are a non-member please select (CPEN).The American Electrology Association (AEA) is the largest international nonprofit membership organization fo..
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